Register in Dimond Wrap-Up Contractor Portal!

Dimond Wrap-Up™ organizes subcontractor communications, eliminates paperwork and reduces manual intervention and electronically organizes documents to eliminate the need for paper filing systems.

You can provide and manage the following information from our Contractor portal.
  • Enrollment Information.
  • Monthly Payroll.
  • Insurance Cost Information.
  • Submit Certificate of Insurance.
  • Submit policy's Declaration and Rate pages.
  • Award your subcontractors.
  • CIP Manuals.
  • Claims Reporting Instructions.
New User Registration

A minimum of 15 Characters should be used for setting up the password, having combination of alphabets (upper and lower case), numbers and special characters.
Password will expire every 365 days.

The password should contain at least three of the below combinations:
At least 1 uppercase alphabet
At least 1 lowercase alphabet
At least 1 number (0-9)
At least 1 special character (!, #, $)

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